Ways To Know If Expert Teeth Whitening Is Best For You

Numerous factors can affect the way you feel regarding the look of your teeth. Do you disguise your mouth with your hand every time you smile or laugh? Are yellowed or discolored teeth hindering you from experiencing a confident, vibrant-looking smile? If you said “yes” to one or both of these questions, then professional teeth whitening may be just the solution you require to upgrade your smile. Expert teeth whitening is an uncomplicated aesthetic dentistry procedure that our trained team at DentalWorks – Bloomingdale provides to enhance the look of your teeth and help you experience a confident, attractive smile. As a valuable part of who you are, receiving a smile that you love to show off can enhance your general attitude, self-esteem, and well-being.

Right now might be the right time to enhance the appearance of your teeth. Professional teeth bleaching is a healthy, effective method to boost the appearance of your teeth through a simple process. If compared with non-professional methods of teeth whitening, medical-grade treatments tend to administer more significant results in a shorter amount of time. The expert teeth whitening procedure utilizes uniquely formulated peroxide gels that penetrate the deeper layers of enamel and gently break down stains that have accumulated on or within the tooth enamel. Individual outcomes might vary, but the majority of Bloomingdale, IL patients who have their smile expertly whitened notice a smile that is numerous shades lighter.

Although drugstores provide a number of whitening options, they often are unable to offer the same standard and level of results as medical-grade teeth whitening by a dedicated dental team. In actuality, several brands of over-the-counter products, such as certain toothpaste or rinses, do not actually alter the color of tooth enamel. Rather, they only assist in the breakdown of surface stains in order to make the teeth seem whiter. However, prescription-strength whitening treatments work by using a more intense whitening solution, which is more productive at reaching deeper discoloration and erasing years of tooth yellowing. Since this kind of treatment is overseen by a team of experienced dental professionals, it is healthier for your teeth and is able to be personalized to meet your particular smile requirements and goals.

Obtaining a smile that you enjoy can go a really long way toward allowing you to have higher self-esteem when smiling or talking. You could be an ideal candidate for professional teeth whitening by our DentalWorks – Bloomingdale team if one or more of the statements on the following checklist describe you:

You feel insecure about the color of your teeth.
A smile is your way of expressing emotion about how you are feeling. When your smile does not radiate confidence, it could be because you have cosmetic insecurity regarding the appearance of your teeth. Prescription-strength teeth whitening could give you back the confidence you require to smile fearlessly once again.

Your teeth appear yellow or your smile is dim.
If your teeth have lost their shine or brightness, your smile could appear lackluster. Expert teeth whitening frequently brightens tooth enamel by several shades and is able to shift your smile from dull to brilliant much more quickly.

You have teeth that seem to be yellowing as you age.
When we become older, the natural radiance of our tooth enamel that existed when we were younger begins to dim, and our smile often acquires a yellow color. Prescription-strength teeth whitening from a team of Bloomingdale, IL professionals should help in dialing back the clock for your teeth in order to allow for a more youthful-looking you.

You have yellowing because of certain beverages and foods or tobacco use.
Consuming beverages like sodas or red wine and using products that contain tobacco may yellow the enamel on your teeth. Additionally, various types of snacks and spices may create dark discoloration or yellowing of the teeth. Prescription-strength teeth whitening can aid in erasing these stains in order to allow for a brighter shade for your smile.

You want to have a brighter smile for specific life event.
You might wish to have a more radiant, more confident smile for special events. High school and college graduations, weddings, birthdays, and big job interviews are just some of the major life events that you might desire to brighten your teeth for, to appear and feel more confident.

To find out if expert teeth whitening services could allow you to obtain your personal dream smile, it is important to see a skilled team knowledgeable about this kind of cosmetic dental procedure. Our highly skilled team at DentalWorks – Bloomingdale looks forward to meeting with you and can create a procedure plan for your cosmetic goals for your teeth. Get in touch with our Bloomingdale, IL practice today to learn more about our professional teeth whitening and cosmetic dentistry services.