Treatment options for a chipped tooth are often quick and easy; however, a chipped tooth that doesn’t get treated may lead to pain and lengthier treatments, such as a root canal.
To choose the best treatment, your dentist will perform a thorough dental examination. They might use digital x-rays to check the extent of the damage so they can suggest the right procedure. Based upon the size and seriousness of your chip, they may suggest veneers, bonding, or even a crown.
While it isn’t possible to prevent injuries in everyday life, there are some things you can do to reduce your chance of getting a chipped tooth. Make sure you’re not using your teeth for anything other than eating. Taking the time to grab scissors may wind up saving you a great deal of trouble if you don’t get a chipped tooth opening something. Avoid chewing ice and hard candy. Cut corn from the cob and meat off the bone before you enjoy it. Keep your teeth strong by flossing and brushing daily. You should also schedule visits at a dentist in Dublin, OH for dental health examinations as well as cleanings. Addressing any new problems, like cavities, will keep your teeth strong. If you or your kid plays sports, then talk to your dentist about an athletic mouth guard. At DentalWorks – Dublin, we provide custom mouth guards made from high-quality materials to protect your gums and teeth during athletic activities.
If you or your child have chipped a tooth, then call a dentist in Dublin, OH to schedule a consultation. At DentalWorks – Dublin, we will restore your chipped tooth with dental bonding, porcelain veneers, or a crown. Whichever treatment you choose, we’ll personalize your plan to fit your needs.