Periodontal Disease: The Core Facts Each Adult Must Know

Looking after your smile takes more work than solely ensuring that your teeth are pearly and even. The gums are an integral part of your dental health, in addition to your overall wellbeing. Because many people might believe their gums are healthy, they are frequently startled if they are informed otherwise. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a degenerative disorder that impacts the gums around your teeth, and its symptoms typically occur without pain. Many studies have discovered an association among gum disease and seemingly unrelated health concerns, such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and specific cancers, as well as tooth loss.
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However, there is welcome news: Gum disease can be evaded with proper oral care. The most effective way to avoid gum disease is to seek out oral care from skilled dental professionals, like the staff at DentalWorks – Easton. Our doctors have comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the area of periodontal dentistry to diagnose a number of concerns and treat gum disease.


Also called periodontal disease, periodontal disease is, in simplest terms, an infection in the gumline. The gumline is the oral tissue that serves to retain your teeth in their appropriate positions. Ineffective oral hygiene will often cause a sticky substance known as plaque to build up and calcify around the gum tissue. Even though toothbrushing and flossing can reduce a portion of the bacteria, plaque that’s not removed will become tartar and set onto your enamel. Only a professional cleaning done by a dental practitioner or dental assistant can efficiently get rid of tartar.

If gathered on the teeth, tartar and bacteria work in tandem to cause the first stage of periodontal disease that we call gingivitis. Gingivitis arises as plaque builds up on the enamel and prompts the surrounding gums to become inflamed. Plaque creates toxins that negatively affect the gums, which causes them to be sensitive and swollen and, generally, causing bleeding.

If periodontal disease progresses with no treatment, future stages of periodontal disease could lead to sore and bleeding tissues, uncomfortable chewing, and, possibly, tooth loss. This is why it’s vital to detect and manage periodontal disease before infection spreads throughout your oral structures.


Strong gums are secure, pinkish, and fit tautly around your teeth. The initial symptoms of periodontal disease are generally difficult to detect by the average person.
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To fix your gumline, our team may provide a gum grafting surgery. Typically, your own connective tissue is used to complete this procedure. The grafted sample will be taken from the palate and moved to your gumline, which will address the tooth root exposure.

Periodontal surgery may help patients in Columbus, OH who have progressive periodontitis. Based on the phase of your periodontal disease, there are three techniques we may implement: gingival flap surgery, gingivectomy, and gingivoplasty. Gingival flap surgery cuts the gumline away from the teeth to uncover the roots and allow our dentist to gauge your condition. When this is complete, our dentist will perform a deep cleaning to remove tartar and some deteriorated tissue. The dislocated gum tissue is then moved and sutured in the proper place. In contrast, a gingivectomy removes and reshapes a section of the diseased gum tissue. This option is commonly reserved for those whose situation has progressed. Finally, a gingivoplasty is considered a cosmetic dental operation that improves and readjusts the gumline once your gum disease has been dealt with, returning their ideal health and looking more attractive.


The most ideal method to avoid periodontal disease is to discover an excellent home-based oral hygiene routine. Following this simple set of rules may help ensure that your gorgeous smile lasts a long time:

Flossing your teeth is needed for optimal dental care.
Flossing your teeth no less than one time each day might help eliminate germs that may be wedged between your teeth. Brushing your teeth is a vital part of everyone’s oral health routine, but doing so every day still won’t polish every area.

Men, women, teens, and children alike must brush their teeth no less than two times daily.
People who brush their teeth after breakfast, lunch, and dinner help to eliminate plaque and buildup trapped in between their gum tissue and teeth. It’s also essential to not disregard your tongue. Utilize your soft-bristled brush to cleanse your tongue: Doing so will eliminate leftover bacteria.

Purchase toothpaste and mouthwash that contain fluoride.
It’s often hard to figure out which dental care products are the most effective. When shopping, choose a fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouth rinse. When used in conjunction, the two dental products can improve the time it takes for germs and tartar to gather on the enamel.

Make it a goal to visit your dental care provider twice each year.
Set up visits with your dentist twice a year for an oral health assessment and professional cleaning. Oral checkups enable the staff at DentalWorks – Easton to discover issues like gum disease when they first arise. To help patients with dental anxieties, our Columbus, OH facility provides several sedation options to calm your nerves so you can get your evaluations and cleanings with ease.

Forego tobacco usage.
Adults who use tobacco products (such as dipping, cigarettes, or e-cigarettes) are at a higher risk to develop periodontal disease and certain cancers. Tobacco consumption is detrimental to the immune system. This can make it harder on your body to fight off inflammation and jump back afterward.


Efficient oral intervention is vital in the battle against periodontal disease. Select a dental professional you trust, and be sure to visit their office every six months for examinations and cleanings. At DentalWorks – Easton, our staff is skilled at preventing, detecting, and improving periodontal disease, including numerous other oral wellness disorders. Call our practice to arrange an appointment and take off on your journey toward exceptional dental health.