The Impact Of Aging On Your Dental Health
Schedule appointments with a dentist to assess the health of your restoration. KEEP FLOSSING AND BRUSHING Ideally, flossing and brushing daily is a habit you currently have. Make sure you get a new toothbrush when it’s worn down or every three months and also use a toothpaste with fluoride. Clean your gums, teeth, and tongue […]
What Are My Different Orthodontic Treatment Options and How Do I Decide?
ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR EVERYONE One of the first things people notice about you is your smile and if you aren’t sure about this, then you might not be grinning as much as you want to be. An orthodontic treatment will help align your teeth while also improving your oral health. Ideally, orthodontics are done […]
What Are The Reasons To Get a Tooth or Teeth Extracted?
A surgical extraction is most frequently required to take out impacted teeth or the wisdom teeth. WISDOM TEETH Your wisdom teeth (the third molars) are the last of the adult teeth to come in. The majority of people don’t have space in their mouth to fit these final molars, therefore they have to be removed […]
Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay
TEN WAYS TO AVOID TOOTH DECAY AND CAVITIES To keep your smile healthy and bright, you have to fight tooth decay every day. Why? Acidic bacteria in your mouth starts to erode your enamel, which becomes cavities. Without treatment, a cavity can turn into an infection that will impact your smile’s health and appearance. To […]
Veneers: Are You A Candidate?
SHOULD I GET VENEERS? When you browse your photos online, do you teeth look good? Are you hiding your smile because you don’t like how your teeth look? If your smile isn’t as attractive as you’d like, you may be interested in a smile makeover with veneers. A porcelain shell, veneers go over your visible […]
The Facts Individuals Should Learn Regarding Tooth-Flossing
EXPERIENCE THE BENEFITS OF FLOSSING FOR YOURSELF When it comes to oral wellness habits, a majority of adults and children flossing optional, although this is clearly not true. Flossing every day allows patients to gain a cleaner, healthier smile and more beautiful teeth. Speaking with your dentist and trying different flossing options that work best […]
The Many Benefits Of Getting Preventive Oral Care
A person’s smile is a characteristic which is immensely important to a person’s self-esteem. It is integral to many aspects of our lives, from how we express our emotions and show off our personalities to the level of self-confidence we pharmacy no prescription drugstore But did you know that achieving a healthy smile […]
The Numerous Uses Of IV Sedation To Improve Your Dental Experience
Based on the dose of IV sedation administered, you could be responsive and able to follow simple orders, but you will doubtfully remember what happened during your operation. Once your operation has concluded, the medicine will be stopped, and you will soon return to normal. People typically seem in a fog initially, but they often […]
The Purpose Of Dental Crowns And The Reasons They Improve Your Smile
Dedicated to your excellent oral health, DentalWorks – Durham provides treatments for men and women in Durham, NC using the most up-to-date dental procedures, such as dental crowns. Patients who require a crown can rest assured knowing they have choices that fit their aesthetic goals and budget. If you have been considering a dental crown […]