Found in many water sources, fluoride is characterized as a mineral that has great dental benefits. This mineral strengthens the enamel’s framework and the teeth safeguard from decay. Fluoride also is good for kids or adults with developing or compromised teeth and might repair small cavities that have just established. DentalWorks – Canton Ford offers oral fluoride treatments for our Canton, MI clients to enhance their oral wellness at any age.
Generally, fluoride is beneficial for children between the ages of 6 months to 16 years because this is when a lot of the adult teeth develop. However, older patients may reap the benefits of these treatments as well. At our facility in Canton, MI, we believe that these treatments are as crucial in strengthening growing teeth as they are in shielding from cavities.
Numerous features of fluoride have a wonderful impact on the teeth, including:
Fluoride is naturally present in water, as well as in tiny quantities in different foods. While your teeth are frequently introduced to fluoride in the food and water you consume, it’s not possible to get an adequate amount of fluoride in food and water alone.
Putting fluoride on the teeth might be carried out using two techniques: topical or systemic. Topical application helps people of different ages; meanwhile, the other is better for children when their permanent teeth are forming underneath the gum tissues. At DentalWorks – Canton Ford, oral fluoride applications are done every six months after a thorough polishing and assessment. The polished teeth are then dried, and the fluoride is administered and kept on the teeth for a maximum of four minutes per application. To make sure that the substance totally penetrates the teeth, you may be told not to consume food or drinks or smoke for no fewer than 30 minutes after your dental fluoride appointment.
Fluoride is also found in drinking water. If it’s swallowed, the fluoride travels throughout your body and the teeth grow stronger. Children who drink water with a small amount to practically no fluoride may need a supplement to make sure their teeth form well.
All individuals require a varying amount of fluoride depending on their likelihood of experiencing tooth decay. As you maintain a good home-based dental health routine and keep away from sugary and acidic meals and beverages, your odds of developing cavities might be lessened. For kids, when too much fluoride is taken in, teeth can be permanently pitted or discolored. This effect is called enamel fluorosis and may result in little milky stripes or areas on the tooth surfaces. Although it’s not ultimately destructive, it could result in a necessity for cosmetic dental services.
Men and women who take in a large quantity of fluoride can end up more prone to pain or bone fractures, occasionally known as skeletal fluorosis. This might likely lead to sensitivity and harm to some bones and cartilage. If you’re concerned about your fluoride levels, contact our skilled staff in Canton, MI.
DentalWorks – Canton Ford offers oral fluoride treatments for Canton, MI patients. Our knowledgeable team can do an in-depth dental evaluation to figure out whether or not fluoride treatments are suitable for you. To summarize, the perks of fluoride are wonderful for a large number of individuals because it enhances your enamel while decreasing your chances of developing cavities. To discover more regarding dental fluorosis services, or to set up a consultation at our Canton, MI facility, contact our staff at your earliest convenience.
Fluoride is beneficial for oral health because:
It slows down mineral loss (demineralization) from tooth enamel
It remineralizes weakened tooth enamel
It reverses any early signs of tooth decay
It prevents harmful oral bacteria growth
When bacteria break down sugar and carbs in your mouth, acid is produced that eats away at the minerals within your tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel makes your teeth more vulnerable to harmful bacteria that can later cause cavities.