While dental sealants are typically not covered by dental insurance for adults, it can be a fantastic investment to help you avoid other expensive treatments, like tooth-colored fillings and crowns. Most dentists don’t talk to their adult patients about dental sealants, so if you are interested you should bring it up during your yearly oral health evaluation. You may also want to talk to your dentist about getting professional fluoride treatments after your bi-annual cleanings to help strengthen your enamel. Like dental sealants, fluoride treatments are generally performed on children, but they can be helpful for adults and are easy to request.
Dental sealants are generally done after a professional cleaning ever since your enamel is clean and free of buildup. The sealant application is a quick, noninvasive procedure, so anesthesia is not necessary, but it can be added if you have dental fears or anxiety. The clean teeth will be dried and lightly etched to prepare it for the dental sealant. The dental sealant is applied as a liquid and carefully brushed on to the tops of the back teeth. Once the sealant is in place, a special light is used to quickly bond the material to your teeth. Your team will check to make certain the sealant is smooth and hard before they rinse off your mouth and discuss how to take care of your mouth and sealants.
Once your dental sealants are set, you can leave and go about your typical day. Unless you also get a fluoride treatment, you ought to be able to eat and drink right away. While dental sealants reduce your risk of pit and fissure cavities, you still will need to adhere to a good home oral care routine to prevent other kinds of cavities and dental problems. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once each day. If you have questions about technique or what products to use, speak to your dentist. You still will need to get an annual oral health evaluation and bi-annual professional cleanings at your dentist in Cary, NC. During your examination, your dentist will assess your sealants and help you decide if they will need to be re-done. With appropriate care, dental sealants can last up to ten years. Small chips or worn areas can typically be repaired as necessary with more sealant material during regular appointments.
If you’re interested in dental sealants for yourself or your kids, schedule a consultation with your dentist in Cary, NC. If you’re looking for an excellent dental practice with experience and state-of-the-art equipment to make treatments easier, contact DentalWorks – Cary Crossroads. Our team of dental professionals takes great care of all our patients in Cary, NC with preventive dental care such as oral health examinations, professional cleanings, and dental sealants. Get in touch with our dental office in Cary, NC to schedule your consultation so our team can assess your oral health and develop your custom preventive treatment plan that could include dental sealants.