At an initial consultation, our talented dental practitioners can provide specific information.
Advanced teeth whitening is an ideal method to beautify the aesthetic of your smile. When you visit our practice, our dental health professionals will help you to significantly transform your smile in just one session. Our tooth whitening treatments can easily brighten darkened teeth. To book a consultation and learn if advanced teeth bleaching is right for you, call our Aurora, IL office today. We are so excited to help you attain a flawless smile that will last for many years.
There are many reasons why you may get stains or discoloration on your teeth. Some of the most common causes of stains on the teeth include:
Food and beverages: Things such as coffee, tea, red wine, fruit juice, berries, beets, soda, and dark-colored vinegar can all stain the teeth.
Smoking: Tobacco naturally yellows the teeth leading to discoloration.
Aging: Over time, the outer enamel layer gets thinner from brushing and more of the yellow dentin shows.
Medications: Certain high blood pressure medications, antihistamines, and even antipsychotics can lead to tooth darkening.
Thanks to advancements in teeth whitening technology, teeth whitening can improve a smile. After just one treatment, many patients see their teeth become several shades whiter.