What Is A Dental Sealant?

Run your tongue over your teeth. The tops of the back teeth are irregular, rough, plus crevices that can hide debris, tartar, plaque, and germs. All these are the things that cause cavities in addition to other issues. Luckily, there’s an easy proactive procedure to help safeguard your teeth — dental sealants. A plastic material, sealants can be placed on the tops of your back teeth to make a barrier between the teeth and also harmful bacteria and plaque. A fast, noninvasive process, sealants may be an important part of a preventive treatment program made by your dentist in Crystal Lake, IL to protect your smile from cavities for many years. To assist parents of kids who might benefit from sealants in addition to adults, our dental professionals at DentalWorks – Crystal Lake has created a brief guide on sealants. This blog can help you decide whether you or your family members can benefit from sealants, the sealant application process, and what happens after you get sealants.

Among the most common sorts of cavities are pit and fissure caries. Dental cavities are created when bacteria and plaque begin to erode (decay) the exterior of the tooth. Brushing your teeth twice a day can help remove bacteria and plaque before it becomes a cavity; however, occasionally this isn’t enough. The grooves and pits on the tops of the molars and premolars trap bacteria and plaque, which turns into cavities. Sealants are a transparent barrier that is put on the tops of your molars and premolars. Dental sealants protect the teeth from debris, tartar, plaque, and germs so that it can’t become cavities. If applied properly, sealants should not be felt or seen, however you’ll find a difference with greater oral health examinations and fewer issues.

Before they’re teens, kids will lose their primary teeth and receive their adult teeth. This is a problem since, with few exceptions, parents have difficulty getting their kids to brush twice daily every day the way they should. This is only one reason kids are more prone to cavities. Sealants are a fantastic method to help safeguard kid’s teeth while they learn good habits. For optimal protection, sealants need to be put on the primary molars and premolars between age 5 – 7 years old and again as soon as the adult teeth are visible above the gums, generally about 11 – 14 years old. Though a lot of kids don’t enjoy spending extra time at the dentist for an elective treatment, such as sealants, it may save them from longer treatments, such as fillings, by reducing their chance of getting cavities. In addition, after a cavity develops in the tooth, it is going to take a lifetime of care because fillings will have to be re-done.

Although sealants are more commonly suggested for kids, adults might also benefit from them. While adults are usually much better about flossing and brushing daily, they still have lapses and the most meticulous brusher remains in danger of getting cavities. Sealants can be a great option for patients who are at higher risk of getting cavities. While sealants are usually not covered by insurance for older patients, it is sometimes a great investment that will help you prevent other expensive procedures, such as fillings and crowns. Many dentists don’t speak with their older patients about sealants, so if you’re interested you need to bring this up in your oral health exam. You might also wish to speak with your dentist about receiving fluoride treatments following your twice-yearly cleanings to help fortify your teeth. Much like sealants, fluoride rinses are usually done on kids; however, they are sometimes great for adults and are simple to get.

Sealants are usually performed after a cleaning because your teeth are free of buildup. The dental sealant application is a fast, noninvasive process, therefore anesthesia isn’t needed, but it may be added in case you’ve got anxiety or dental fears. Your teeth will be dried and etched to prepare for the sealant. The sealant is put on as a liquid and brushed over to the tops of your premolars and molars. When the sealant is on, a light is used to bond the material onto your enamel. Your dentist will check to be certain that the sealant is hard and smooth before they rinse your mouth off and talk about how to take care of your sealants and mouth.

After your sealants have been set, you are able to leave and get back to your usual day. If you don’t get a fluoride rinse, you need to have the ability to drink and eat straight away. Although sealants lower your chance of pit and fissure cavities, so you still have to stick to a great home oral hygiene regimen to stop different sorts of cavities and dental health issues. You need to brush at least twice per day in addition to flossing at least one time per day. In case you have any questions regarding the procedure or which products to use, then talk to your dental team. You still have to get a yearly oral health exam and also twice-yearly cleanings by your dental practitioner in Crystal Lake, IL. In your exam, your dentist may evaluate your sealants and allow you to determine if they have to be re-done. With good maintenance, sealants may last up to ten years. Little chips or thin areas can normally be fixed as required using more sealant material in your routine visits.

Whether you are considering sealants for your teeth or your family, schedule an appointment with a dentist in Crystal Lake, IL. If you are searching for a fantastic dental office with experience and the latest dental equipment to make appointments easier, contact DentalWorks – Crystal Lake. Our group takes care of every patient in Crystal Lake, IL with proactive treatments including oral health exams, cleanings, and sealants. Speak to our practice in Crystal Lake, IL to schedule your appointment so our dentist can evaluate your oral wellbeing and create your personal treatment program that might consist of sealants.