The Common Toothache


Sooner or later in your lifetime, you’ve probably dealt with a toothache. Whether you had throbbing pain or just a dull ache, toothaches are very common. Toothaches are actually one of the most frequent difficulty faced by both kids and adults in across the country. A toothache may be sharp, throbbing, dull, continuous, or irregular. You might just have pain when you eat or the pain is bad enough that you can’t concentrate on anything. Attempting to determine what might be causing your tooth pain may be frustrating because a toothache could be a symptom of a minor issue, for example a cavity, or a bigger problem, such as a dental abscess. If a toothache lasts for at least 48 hours or you’re in pain, then DentalWorks – Crystal Lake suggests contacting us to schedule an examination as early as you can, so our experienced team of dental professionals in Crystal Lake, IL can identify the reason and implement a treatment program. These are just a few of the common conditions that cause a toothache, accompanying symptoms to look out for, and strategies for avoiding tooth pain.

Even though decay is the major reason for a toothache, there are still lots of other options which range from sensitivity to a cracked or abscessed tooth. Reading just a bit about common dental health issues might better help you recognize the reason for your tooth pain:

    One less commonly known underlying cause of tooth pain is sinusitis (a sinus infection). Your upper back teeth are near your nasal cavities, which is why pressure can affect some teeth. When sinus pressure and other cold symptoms are present with your tooth pain, you might have to visit your doctor for an infection in your sinuses.
    A reason for a toothache is a crack in your tooth. This is sometimes caused from an accident or something simple like biting ice or a hard candy. When this happens, urgent treatment is usually required to decrease your pain and fix the tooth.
    Your toothache may not be a reason for immediate worry. As an example, healthy teeth may get sensitive, uncomfortable, and ache for a brief time after a professional or home whitening treatment. This specific sensitivity results from the aggravation of the nerves inside your teeth by the active whitening ingredient. However, when tooth sensitivity causes extreme pain or does not subside after a couple of days, you need to speak to a dental professional.
    A dental abscess, usually brought on by a cavity that hasn’t been treated, may lead to a serious toothache. A dentist might have to extract the tooth or perform root canal therapy to deal with the abscess.

A toothache alone is a concern that does not require urgent treatment. If tooth pain and inflammation are present after a dental operation, they’re probably caused by the procedure and will probably subside in the next couple of days. However, when you’ve got tooth pain in addition to other symptoms, then you might have a bigger issue. You need to go for emergency dental care when your tooth pain is intense, unbearable, or you also have a fever. All these are signals that an illness exists, which has to be addressed before it gets worse. Difficulty chewing, talking, and opening up your mouth are other symptoms of a serious illness that need to be reported to a dentist straight away. Finally, tooth pain with a rash on your face may mean sepsis, which demands urgent medical care.

If you want to treat minor toothaches, a few home remedies can help relieve the pain as you are waiting to get in to see a dentist in Crystal Lake, IL. A basic saltwater rinse, non-prescription pain medicine, and also a cool compress might help improve your tooth pain. Diluting hydrogen peroxide with water may be used as a rinse to eliminate bacteria, alleviate pain, and decrease swelling.
Many toothaches will need professional care from a dentist. Although your tooth pain might not need immediate care, it’s much better to be safe in regard to your dental health. Possible treatments might include a tooth-colored filling, a root canal, or an extraction of one or more teeth based on your underlying issue. If the disease occurs with chills, a fever, or inflammation, then you might be given a prescription for antibiotics to take after your procedure.


    A good way to prevent tooth pain is great dental hygiene. Decay can be avoided with a regular home care regimen, which involves twice daily flossing and brushing. If you frequently experience extreme buildup or decay, speak to your dentist about sealants. This preventive procedure is designed to help protect your enamel from buildup.
    Above all, every resident in Crystal Lake, IL needs to have annual exams along with twice-yearly professional cleanings. Routine appointments at a dentist’s office will help to make sure buildup and smaller issues are corrected before they can weaken your teeth and turn into a bigger problem. Your dentist will also look for potential problems before they become a toothache and recommend preventive treatments.
    Enjoying a nutritional diet may also help stop toothaches and the bigger issues behind them. Foods with a lot of calcium keep your enamel healthy, which makes it more challenging for decay to cause damage. Carrots and apples, which are packed with fiber, are also great for your teeth. Both of these foods encourage saliva, which will help to wash away germs and debris. A stalk of celery is like a natural toothbrush, removing food and germs with every bite (even though we suggest brushing with a regular toothbrush twice a day).

If you’ve got a toothache, speak to your dentist to decide if you require immediate attention. If you take care of tooth pain quickly, you will probably avoid a bigger problem and more invasive treatments. If you are living with tooth pain due to dental anxieties or fears, DentalWorks – Crystal Lake can use sedation methods to help keep you comfortable and calm when you’re getting regular appointments and procedures.