The Function Of Dental Crowns And How They Restore Your Smile

Occasionally referred to as a cap, a dental crown is utilized to treat a significant area of decay, preserve a fragile tooth, rescue a damaged tooth, or disguise a stained tooth. Made to be positioned over the desired tooth and specifically colored to integrate with the surrounding teeth to create a ideal appearance, a dental crown preserves and revives functionality to flawed teeth. The dentists of DentalWorks – Easton offer various different methods for crowns to better treat the concerns of patients in Columbus, OH.

Throughout your initial appointment with a skilled member of the DentalWorks – Easton team, we will talk about the different crown material options with you to allow you to pick the best material that fits your dental needs, appearance goals, and expenses. When you desire to learn more about the multiple kinds of crowns and the ways they can improve your smile, then read below for further in-depth information.

A dentist can propose a dental crown as a solution for various reasons, including:

  • As a way to cover a fractured tooth, defending it from uncovered nerves, which can lead to extreme sensitivity and irritation
  • If a cavity is too large to hold a traditional filling
  • As a support structure for loose or worn teeth
  • Utilized aesthetically to disguise discolored or misaligned teeth
  • To restore a tooth’s purpose and look after a root canal treatment
  • To allow for the maintenance of a weak, decaying tooth as a way to lessen further dental concerns
  • To operate as an anchor to help keep dental bridges in place

Contingent on the patient’s needs, tooth placement, and wants, crowns are created from numerous substances. While a number of crowns can last for around 15 years, some are merely a temporary solution.

  • Temporary: This type of crown is created from acrylic or stainless steel and is typically made in the dental professional’s office for quicker treatmentcompared to a long-lasting crown made off-site.
  • Porcelain over Metal: A porcelain over metal crown is ideal for protecting front or back teeth and adds the resilience of metal to a bridge. The porcelain allows the dentist to specifically match the existing enamel of surrounding teeth for a cohesive appearance.
  • Ceramic or Porcelain: Considered the best cosmetic pick, this dental crown has a color-match incomparable to any other substance. Ceramic or porcelain crowns are most often used on the front teeth and modeled after the shape, shade, and size of the patient’s existing teeth. This substance is also suitable for patients who havewho suffer from] metal allergies.
  • Metal: This type of crown is usually made with stainless steel or a number of other metals, which are individualized for the patient’s specific needs.

The initial step for individuals in Columbus, OH to receive a dental crown is to talk with a dentist at DentalWorks – Easton during an examination. At this time, impressions of your teeth will be obtained, which allows for the individualized fit of your crown. As soon as your crown is ready, the treatment area will be thoroughly numbed using a local anesthetic before the existing tooth may be prepared to assure the crown’s fit. Further impressions are necessary to evaluate the proper fit and bite prior to it being cemented of the crown onto the current tooth or fixed to a dental implant. The correct shape of the crown allows for continuing durability. The overall treatment may take a number of weeks to finish because crowns will be sent to a laboratory for customization. If required, a temporary crown can be suggested.

Once the anesthesia has eased, ordinary daily tasks may be resumed. The dental team at DentalWorks – Easton may give post-care instructions that are crucial to follow for an optimal recovery and restoration. We will show you the best way to tend to your crown, including specific foods to stay away from. For men and women who grind their teeth or clench their jaws, a night guard might be suggested to protect your crown. It is necessary to maintain your annual dental exams at DentalWorks – Easton as a way to ensure good oral health for years to come. Regular daily brushing and flossing may help to avoid decay or gum disease and the need for additional crowns down the line.

Devoted to your optimal oral health, DentalWorks – Easton performs treatments for individuals in Columbus, OH using the most up-to-date dental procedures, such as dental crowns. Men and women who need a crown can feel at-ease knowing they have options that adhere to their aesthetic goals and budget. If you have been thinking about receiving a dental crown and would like to discover more about this specialized procedure, we encourage you to talk with us or set up an appointment with DentalWorks – Easton today.